My Experience Shooting Messi’s Inter Miami vs Nashville SC

As a photographer, March 7th, 2024, marked a milestone in my career. I had the incredible opportunity to photograph the Inter Miami vs Nashville SC soccer game, featuring none other than the legendary Lionel Messi and Luis Suarez. This experience not only fulfilled a long-held dream but also reinforced valuable lessons about the challenges of sports photography and how to overcome them.

The Thrill and Challenges of Sports Photography

Sports photography is exhilarating, but it comes with its unique set of challenges. Here are some of the obstacles I faced and the strategies I used to overcome them:

Fast-paced Action

Challenge: Soccer is a rapid game with constant movement, making it difficult to capture crisp, focused shots.

Solution: I used a fast shutter speed (1/1000s or faster) to freeze the action. Additionally, I practiced tracking players with my camera, following their movements smoothly to increase my chances of getting sharp images.

Unpredictable Moments

Challenge: The most exciting moments in soccer often happen in a split second, and you can't predict when they'll occur.

Solution: I stayed alert and kept my camera ready at all times. I also used burst mode to capture multiple frames in quick succession, increasing my chances of getting the perfect shot.

Lighting Conditions

Challenge: The game was an evening match, which meant dealing with changing light as the sun set and artificial stadium lighting took over.

Solution: I constantly adjusted my camera settings throughout the game. I increased my ISO as it got darker and used a lens with a wide aperture (f/2.8 or wider) to let in more light.

Restricted Access

Challenge: As with most professional games, photographer access was limited to certain areas.

Solution: I scouted the allowed areas before the game and planned my shots accordingly. I also brought a variety of lenses (70-200mm for closer action and a 400mm for distant plays) to ensure I could capture the action from wherever I was positioned.

Capturing the Emotion

Challenge: Sports photography isn't just about action; it's about emotion too. Capturing the intensity on players' faces or the jubilation after a goal can be tricky from a distance.

Solution: I focused on key moments like goal celebrations, player interactions, and reactions on the bench. A telephoto lens helped me zoom in on these emotional moments.

The Messi and Suarez Factor

Photographing world-class players like Messi and Suarez added an extra layer of excitement and pressure. Their speed and skill demanded quick reflexes and precise focusing. I made sure to familiarize myself with their playing styles beforehand, which helped me anticipate their movements and potential photo opportunities.

Key Takeaways for Aspiring Sports Photographers

  1. Know your gear inside out. Being able to adjust settings quickly without looking away from the action is crucial.

  2. Understand the sport you're shooting. Knowing the rules and typical play patterns helps you anticipate where the action will be.

  3. Be patient and persistent. Not every shot will be a winner, but staying focused throughout the game increases your chances of capturing something special.

  4. Post-processing is your friend. Even if a shot isn't perfect straight out of the camera, careful editing can often salvage or enhance an image.

  5. Practice, practice, practice. The more you shoot, the better you'll become at tracking action and capturing decisive moments.


Photographing the Inter Miami vs Nashville SC game was a dream come true, especially with the opportunity to capture icons like Messi and Suarez in action. While sports photography presents numerous challenges, with the right preparation, equipment, and mindset, it's possible to create stunning images that capture the essence of the game.

Remember, every game is a new opportunity to learn and improve. So keep shooting, stay passionate, and who knows? Your next shot might be the one that defines your career as a sports photographer.


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